Ajahn Brahm Podcast

Ajahn Brahm Podcast

Remastered classic teachings of the greatest meditation master in the modern Western world - Ajahn Brahm!

Remastered classic teachings of the greatest meditation master in the modern Western world - Ajahn Brahm!

Crisis Management
Ajahn Brahm PodcastFebruary 02, 2025
01:01:1056 MB

Crisis Management

Ajahn Brahm talks about when everything goes wrong and there is a crisis in your life and how to effectively deal with these situations. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 24th March 2006. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyda...

Pyramid In The Jungle
Ajahn Brahm PodcastJanuary 26, 2025
00:56:3851.86 MB

Pyramid In The Jungle

Ajahn Brahm draws upon his experience as a young man (before ordaining) when he travelled to the central American jungle to climb up a Mayan pyramid. The whole experience became a metaphor for meditation and spiritual practice rising above the jungle to get a clear view of the surrounding terrain. —...

Skillful Livelihood
Ajahn Brahm PodcastJanuary 19, 2025
00:57:1852.47 MB

Skillful Livelihood

Responding to a question from the U.K. from a man who had just joined the armed forces, Ajahn Brahm talks on the topic Right Livelihood from the point of view of the Buddhist Eightfold Path. However, rather than thinking of life in terms of right and wrong, Ajahn Brahm reframes the discussion as bei...

Just Injustice
Ajahn Brahm PodcastJanuary 12, 2025
00:58:1453.32 MB

Just Injustice

Ajahn Brahm explains a Buddhist response to social injustices and other forms of injustice in the world. This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 24th February 2006. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamma Network, and will be o...

The Buddhist Realization of Non-Self
Ajahn Brahm PodcastJanuary 05, 2025
01:03:3558.21 MB

The Buddhist Realization of Non-Self

Ajahn Brahm gives a talk about the realization of non-self. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 17th February 2006. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamma Network, and will be of interest to his many fans. These talks by...

Right View
Ajahn Brahm PodcastDecember 29, 2024
00:54:3249.93 MB

Right View

Ajahn Brahm talks about the foundation of the Buddhist path of practice - Right View - the first factor of the Eightfold Path. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 10th February 2006. It has now been remastered and published by the Everyday Dhamm...

No Expectations
Ajahn Brahm PodcastDecember 21, 2024
01:01:4356.52 MB

No Expectations

Ajahn Brahm talks about how expectations about how the future will turn out limits potentials and causes us to become unable to adapt to present circumstances. Through having no expectations we can live on the edge between the past and the future and be open to all that life brings for us. — This dh...

Contemplate - Don't Think
Ajahn Brahm PodcastDecember 07, 2024
01:01:4356.52 MB

Contemplate - Don't Think

The topic of this talk is the Buddhist method of contemplation: why to do it, how to do it and the different methods of contemplation that can be used. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 6th January 2006. It has now been remastered and publishe...

Don't Rush To Your Grave
Ajahn Brahm PodcastDecember 01, 2024
00:57:12130.95 MB

Don't Rush To Your Grave

One cannot change the world, but one can change the way we look at it. One of the major problems of the modern world is excess busy-ness. People are so busy and stressed out these days leaving many wondering if this is all that there is. Ajahn Brahm offers a talk on how to slow down in the moment an...

Life As A Monk Or Nun
Ajahn Brahm PodcastNovember 09, 2024
01:11:2465.38 MB

Life As A Monk Or Nun

Responding to a question from the online audience, Ajahn Brahm explains what it’s like to be a monastic and what the purpose of the monastic rules are. — This dhamma talk was originally recorded using a low quality MP3 to save on file size on 30th December 2005. It has now been remastered and publis...