This episode is a narration of the 47th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Vīmaṁsaka Sutta, which translates as “The Inquirer”. While some spiritual teachers prefer to remain in obscurity, the Buddha not only encouraged his followers to closely investigate him, but gave them a detaile...
This episode is a narration of the 45th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Cūḷadhammasamādāna Sutta, which translates as “The Shorter Discourse on Taking Up of Practices”. The Buddha explains how taking up different practices may have harmful or beneficial results. The memorable simil...
This episode is a narration of the 41st Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Sāleyyaka Sutta, which translates as “The People of Sālā ”. In this discourse the Buddha explains to a group of brahmins the conduct leading to rebirth in higher or lower states, including detailed explanations...
This episode is a narration of the 39th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Mahāassapura Sutta, which translates as “The Longer Discourse at Assapura ”. In this discourse the Buddha encourages the monks to live up to their name, by actually practicing in a way that meets or exceeds the...
This episode is a narration of the 38th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Mahātaṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta, which translates as “the Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving”. In this discourse the Buddha teaches dependent origination, showing that consciousness arises dependent on condition...
This episode is a narration of the 37th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Cūḷataṇhāsaṅkhaya Sutta, which translates as “the Longer Discourse on the Ending of Craving”. In this discourse one of the Buddha’s chief disciples, Venerable Maha Moggallāna visits the heaven of Sakka, the lor...
This episode is a narration of the 36th Sutta of the Middle Discourses of the Buddha, The Mahasaccaka Sutta, which translates as “the Longer Discourse with Saccaka”. In this discourse the Buddha and Saccaka discuss the difference between physical and mental development. The Buddha gives a long accou...
This is the 29th Sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya, The Mahāsāropama Sutta, which translates as “the longer simile of the Heartwood”. In this teaching, following an incident with Devadatta, the Buddha cautions the monks against becoming complacent with superficial benefits of spiritual life and points to...
This episode is the tenth sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya: the Mahasatipatthana Sutta - “Mindfulness Meditation” translated by Bhikkhu Sujato, and narrated by Sol Hanna. It has be copied below for convenience. This sutta is narrated as it is translated. If you are looking for an in depth explanation of...
This episode is the third sutta of the Majjhima Nikaya: the Sammaditthi Sutta - “Right View” translated by Bhikkhu Sujato, and narrated by Sol Hanna. It has be copied below for convenience. This sutta is narrated as it is translated. If you are looking for an in depth explanation of this sutta, you ...